It is south into the Arabian Sea and Indian ocean. 向南它伸入阿拉伯海和印度洋。
Over the centuries, the islands have been visited and their development influenced by sailors from countries on the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean littorals. 几个世纪过去了,人们发现了这个小岛,从此那里的发展被来自阿拉伯海和印度洋周边的国家水手们改变了。
In 2004, he led a relief charity drive for the survivors of the Indian Ocean tsunami. 2004年,他发起了扶持印度洋海啸风暴中幸存者的救灾慈善活动。
Maldives is an archipelago country, which consists of 1200 islands, in the Indian Ocean. 作为一个岛国,马尔代夫由分布在印度洋的1200个小岛组成。
India and China vie for influence in the Indian Ocean, Russia and China compete in Central Asia. 印度与中国争夺在印度洋的影响力,而俄罗斯与中国争夺在中亚的影响力。
One of these is the Republic of Maldives, a beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean. 其中之一是马尔代夫共和国,一个美丽的印度洋岛国。
International Meeting on joint youth actions for a peaceful Indian Ocean and nuclear weapon-free Asian and pacific; 青年争取印度洋和平和亚太无核武器区联合行动国际会议;
The bank traditionally has helped the reconstruction efforts after big natural disasters such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. 传统上,世行会在重大自然灾害(比如2004年的印度洋海啸)发生后协助重建工作。
An island in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of India. 印度洋中的一个岛屿,位于印度东南海岸以外。
What's effect of Indian Ocean tsunami vigorous to fishery trade on China and related areas? 印度洋大海啸将对中国与相应地区渔业贸易有何影响?
The Gulf of Bengal does not agree with me as well as the Indian ocean. 在印度洋上航行我无所谓,可是在孟加拉湾我就不行了。
The Atlantic and the Indian ocean are two oceans with a continent between. 大西洋和印度洋是中间夹着大陆的两个海洋。
The Indian Ocean tsunami that wreaked havoc in southern Thailand and other countries is a perfect example of why. 给泰国和其它国家造成巨大灾难的印度洋海啸就是一个活生生的例子。
On Zheng He's first voyage, he set sail across the Indian Ocean. 《对太平洋航海警告》郑和的第一次航行,穿越了印度洋。
The smallest continent; between the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean. 最小的一个洲;位于南太平洋和印度洋之间。
The southern route around South Africa and the Indian ocean. 绕行南非和印度洋的南方航线。
After seven days on the Indian Ocean, all the winds and currents stopped completely. 船在印度洋上航行了七天之后,所有的风和洋流都停止了。
During this process the South Hemisphere cross-equatorial flow over the Indian Ocean plays a triggering role. 在这次过程中,印度洋南半球越赤道气流起了激发的作用。
In the Eurasian plate, African plate and the Indian Ocean plate boundary, Earthquake never interrupt. 在非洲板块和欧亚板块的印度洋板块边界、地震也不断。
A port in S Kenya on a coral island in a bay of the Indian Ocean. 肯尼亚南部的一个港口城市,位于印度洋的一个海湾的珊瑚岛上。
An English ship had roamed the Indian Ocean, preying with impunity upon Portuguese commerce. 一艘英国船已经漫游了印度洋,肆无忌惮地劫掠了葡萄牙人的商业。
John: Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami. 约翰:大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。
China built Pakistan a deepwater port at Gwadar on the Indian Ocean. 中国为巴基斯坦在濒临印度洋的瓜达尔建造了一个深水港。
Red lionfish are native to the South Pacific, Indian Ocean and Red Sea. 红狮子鱼原产于南太平洋、印度洋和红海。
Western Indian Ocean: Red Sea and Persian Gulf southward to East Africa and islands in the Indian Ocean. 西印度洋:红海与波斯湾向南至东非与印度洋中的岛屿。
In the western Pacific they are called'typhoons'and in the Indian Ocean they are called'cyclones '. 在西太平洋地区它称为“台风”,而在印度洋被叫做“气旋”。
He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian ocean. 他专门研究印度洋的鱼类。
The relationships between Indian Ocean SST anomalies and the Summer rainfall in China have been examined. 印度洋海温异常与我国夏季(6-8月)各月降水存在关联。
This is likelihood mechanism of the Indian Ocean SST influence on summer aridity and wetness in Northwest China. 这可能是印度洋海温影响西北地区夏季干湿特征的可能机制。
We had rounded Cape point, where the Atlantic meets the Indian ocean. 我们已绕过大西洋和印度洋的会合处一“角岬”。